
SXSW Digital Death Wrap Up

Thanks to all the attendees at the SXSW festival who came out for our core conversation “Who Will Check My Email After I Die.” We had a great time and a great conversation.

We think it is a conversation that will be the center of a lot more attention in the years to come.We hope to host a panel next year where we have an archivist, archeologist/sociologist, a lawyer, and a person from the business community. Some representation from the social networks and from Google would be great too.

For me the highlight of the conversation was when we discussed products that allow you to release content (email, videos, photos) after you die. We were talking about other possible triggers that could release content. The birth of a child. Graduation. Marriage.

This idea blew my mind. The idea that you could start conversations and communicate with loved ones years after your death is a spectacular idea. @qthrul asked does “Afterlife = cron job?”

What were the things that made you go “hmmm”?

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  1. | Evan Carroll - March 8, 2013

    […] could’ve never imagined that a strange idea we came up with that summer called Who Will Check My E-mail After I Die? would be accepted by SXSW and grow into a blog and a book. Today as I think about heading out to […]

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