
Norton Online Living Calculator

According to CNET, Symantec is launching its Norton Online Living Calculator today, designed to determine the black market value of your online assets. The calculator asks questions about online finance, social networking and email accounts. The output is an estimated value of your personal information, which is substantially less than I imagined.  Mine was $10.59 a far cry from the $100.00 I estimated.

While The Digital Beyond isn’t particularly interested in selling you security software, the concept of assigning monetary value to online assets is of particular interest to us. If my information is only worth ten dollars on the black market, how valuable is it to my family after my death? Just consider your hourly wage and how many hours it might take to gather up your online assets. Even after weeks of effort they might not know about or gain access to everything.  I’d suspect that its worth more than ten dollars, and maybe more than the subscription fees for the growing list of digital estate services.

Norton Online Living Calculator

Norton Online Living Calculator

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