
Panel accepted at SXSW

John Romano and Evan Carroll will be leading a panel at the 2011 SXSW Interactive festival. “You’re dead. Your data isn’t. What happens now?” will explore digital death and legacy from several perspectives.

Here’s the description of the event:
The Web has changed your life, your death and what you leave behind. Your heirlooms like photos, videos and letters are now stored in digital form and—in many cases—on servers that you don’t own like those of Flickr, YouTube and Gmail. What should happen to your “legacy” data? With over 285,000 Facebook users set to die this year, you really should think about it. The Internet generation is coming of age and this issue is only growing. We have to respond with new legal frameworks and standards to support this change. The good news is that entrepreneurs, attorneys, archivists and scholars are already working on solutions. Join us to learn what happens to your digital life after you die and what’s being done to give you a say in it.

Learn more at the SXSW panelpicker website.

Our panelists

We would like to introduce our panelists:

John Romano

John is one of the earliest scholars of the digital afterlife. He started his research in 2008 and has written and presented extensively on the topic. He co-founded the first website devoted to this topic,, and is in the process of writing the first book on this topic, to be released later this year. As an Internet professional John brings a high level of technical and social understanding to this topic.

Evan Carroll

Evan Carroll is co-author of “Your Digital Afterlife” (2010 New Riders Press) and creator of An experience designer and researcher by trade, he is also completing graduate studies at UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science. He is a recognized leader in the digital afterlife arena as a frequent speaker and media source. He lends his cultural and archival expertise to the panel.

Dazza Greenwood

Dazza Greenwood has focused his career on creating legislation and policy to support use of the Internet and enable online identity. He was previously a lecturer and researcher of law and technology at MIT and the MIT Media Lab where he developed identity, privacy, transactional and architectural solutions. Dazza runs the consultancy, has led several open standards efforts and currently is helping to start up the eCitizen Foundation. Dazza brings his expertise in law, policy and online identity to the panel.

Adele McAlear

Adele McAlear is exploring the relationship between death, social media and technology through research, speaking and her blog at Her expertise has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and other international media. An early adopter of social media and a technology enthusiast, Adele was named one of the Top 10 Most Influential Women in Social Media in Canada and is an experienced integrated marketing consultant based in Montréal.

Jeremy Toeman

Jeremy Toeman is the founder and CEO of Legacy Locker, the first online service dedicated to helping people create wills for their online assets and identity.  He is a serial entrepreneur, with successful consumer lifestyle technology ventures at Sling Media and Mediabolic, and has also consulted with numerous top-tier consumer businesses.  He is also a well-known thought leader in the technology industry, and a frequent speaker at conferences and other events. Jeremy brings a business and entrepreneurial perspective to the panel.

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3 Responses to Panel accepted at SXSW

  1. Richard Banks December 9, 2010 at 1:06 pm #

    Excellent. Looking forward to it.

  2. John Romano December 20, 2010 at 6:40 pm #

    I’ve read your blog ( ) and am looking forward to seeing you in Austin.

  3. Richard Banks December 23, 2010 at 4:45 pm #

    Thanks, John. It would be great to chat. Feel free to send me an e-mail or something if you have time.

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