
Infographic: A Guide to Digital Estate Planning

Our friends over at AfterSteps prepared this interesting infographic to show the various policies and procedures for all sorts of online accounts from email and social networking to entertainment and online backup accounts.

View the original post at AfterSteps.

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2 Responses to Infographic: A Guide to Digital Estate Planning

  1. Maria February 19, 2014 at 11:29 am #

    Thanks for this informative post. Many people are not yet familiar with the idea of a digital legacy. There are many online products that can help in managing digital estate. I found one such product mentioned here called . But the bigger issue is of awareness and posts like these are helpful.

  2. ray allen September 28, 2014 at 4:01 pm #

    There should be a printable form of this eBook with checklists for off-line reference when people are planning their estates, especially for those of us who have family members with dementia.

    There are many extended care facilities and hospitals that do not allow people to use smartphones, tablets, or laptops around their medical equipment because of the concern that radio frequency interference can cause problems with the medical equipment.

    Therefore, paper is best for times like this.

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