
Intel Enters Digital Legacy Arena with Acquisition of PasswordBox

password-boxIntel Security has acquired Montreal-based PasswordBox, which had acquired Legacy Locker in November 2013. Since the acquisition PasswordBox had marketed LegacyLocker as a feature of its overall digital identity management platform.

From TechCrunch’s report on the acquisition:

Today, PasswordBox functions like a personal information digital locker, holding not just passwords for sites but other details such as encrypted notes to yourself, membership and passport information, and more.

As a counterpoint to the “lifetime and beyond” promise that companies like Evernote promise for your notes and other cloud-stored data, PasswordBox also includes an option for how to manage that data after you die, by way of its own acquisition of Legacy Locker, made last year.

The future of the Legacy Locker feature remains unclear, however PaswordBox CEO Daniel Robichaud told TechCrunch:

“For now we cannot share any new product details so I prefer not to comment on that,” Robichaud said. “We’re working on something really exciting.”

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