Yahoo Japan recently launched a new service, Yahoo Ending, which on the surface appears to be their own version of Google’s Inactive Account Manager. On second look, the Ending service is much more.
Archive | Cultural
Deceased Man Returns on Facebook
Harry Friar died a year ago, but now he’s sending our friend requests on Facebook. FOX Carolinas reports that the South Carolina man appears to be sending friend requests, however they’re from a new account created by someone else to look like Mr. Friar’s actual account.
What will the next billion Internet users look like?
Here’s an interesting infographic from the folks at that takes a look at the Internet user of the future. Enjoy.
Living online forever? What the UK thinks about it.
Here’s a fascinating infographic out of the UK. Not surprisingly, only 20% had considered what would happen to their online profiles after they died. The YouGov survey, conducted on behalf of Perfect Choice Funeral Plans, found that 45% of 18-24 year-olds would prefer their profiles to remain online but only 25% of over 55s felt the same. […]
Welcome to Life
Copyright infringement in the digital afterlife. Hilarious.
SXSW 2012 Digital Immortals: Preserving Life Beyond Death
Another SXSW has come and gone. Now that I’m back home and in withdrawal from the breakfast tacos, brisket and free drinks, I took a moment to reflect on my panel, Digital Immortals: Preserving Life Beyond Death. Speaking at SXSW is always a thrill, and this year was no exception. My goal with the panel was to provide […]
SXSW Wrap Up: Robot Panelists, AI and the Future of Identity
I sat with 65 other homo sapiens in a room, waiting to have an interview with a robot. Little did I know that in the end, it would be an interview with our own humanity.
Study: Smartphones Capture 27 Percent of Photos
Smartphones now account for 27 percent of U.S. photography according to a study from The NPD Group. Up 10 percent over 2010, the increase in smartphone photography comes alongside a decrease—from 52 to 44 percent— in dedicated-camera photography. “There is no doubt that the smartphone is becoming ‘good enough’ much of the time; but thanks […]
Mourners Turn To Mobile Phones To Remember Deceased
Death used to be the final disconnect from the mortal world, but that’s not quite the case anymore. From the paranormal to the touching, tales abound about technology beyond the grave. Perhaps more telling is what these stories tell us about our changing culture. John Jacobs, 55, passed away in 2005 following a battle with […]
QR Codes, Microchips In Cemeteries
Would you want a QR code on your headstone? That was a question posed via an email from Adele McAlear. Quiring Monuments is now offering just that with its “Living Headstone” line of memorial products. Cemetery visitors with smartphones can read the QR code and visit a memorial website to learn more about the deceased. […]