
How the digital age has changed our experience with death…(3 benefits)

Online Forums for CommunityThe digital age has brought many new adaptations to the way humans experience the world, one powerful shift is how this era has reshaped death in our society. While there are varying views on the pros and cons of this shift, we are going to touch on three benefits technology welcomed into the death space:

  1. A Community to Connect With: While this point remains subjective to individual preference, the internet has created a meaningful space for like-minded individuals to gather and grow. From sharing stories, gaining knowledge, finding synergy and embracing compassion from others around the world, the internet has given solace to many who find grieving and connecting in this way beneficial. Terminal illness blogs, hospice and palliative care forums, grief podcasts, caregiver communities and bereavement Facebook groups are all powerful spaces where people that are open to it, can grieve, discuss and let go in a safe, communal environment from anywhere and with anyone.
  2. Online Death Planning: The digital era has brought simplicity and efficiency to the often disgruntling task of planning for our own demise. Now instead of spending hours writing out a will and figuring out your advance directive on someone else’s time, there are a growing number of online estate, financial and funeral planning tools that allow you to work on this from your own home. While many people still prefer to sit down with an expert in person, the digital age makes these tools available to those who either couldn’t afford or were too unbothered to take care of these important decisions before.
  3. A Death Positive Movement: While we often don’t care to admit it, we are all mortal. But many of us as humans choose to ignore this ever present fact. The digital era opens up new ways to educate, communicate and familiarize people with death. This death-positive movement is slowly gaining traction in the deep depths of the internet and will hopefully allow us to begin to talk openly and honestly about this vital topic.
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