
How to Prepare for Your Digital Afterlife

Just what does happen to your digital life once you’re gone? As we’ve said here many times before, there’s no easy or simple answer to that question. But there is something you can do: plan ahead.

Alan Lakein once said, “planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”

Digital estate planning does exactly that. You can take care of the future today, so your wishes will be carried out and you won’t leave a burden on your family.

So how should you begin? Of course, we have a very thorough step-by-step guide in Your Digital Afterlife, but I want to tell you about a new resource we have available. We teamed up with to bring you a short ebook on digital estate planning. If you’re looking for a general overview, quick tips, and resources this is just the book for you.

Download the free ebook to get started.


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4 Responses to How to Prepare for Your Digital Afterlife

  1. Bianca de Witte January 19, 2014 at 9:57 am #

    Recently has introduced a new section where you have the opportunity to specify which social media accounts you have and what your specific wishes are per acoount in the event of your passing. With an Afternote account you will ensure that your digital legacy and other last wishes are properly and safely arranged.

  2. Maria February 5, 2014 at 7:36 am #

    We have to plan ahead our digital estate, mainly because many people are not yet familiar with the idea of a digital legacy.There are many online products that can help in managing digital estate. I found one product mentioned here called . But the bigger issue is of awareness.

  3. Deena Coutant February 28, 2014 at 6:26 pm #

    Evan, Your talk on this subject at RootsTech 2014 was greatly appreciated. Too few people prepare for their digital afterlife, rendering their digital assets inaccessible. Thanks for helping to raise awareness on this important topic.

  4. Evan Carroll March 15, 2014 at 6:57 pm #

    Thank you, Deena. I appreciate your kudos and support.

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